Christopher Finlan

Chris Finlan is a currently a Principal Program Manager at Microsoft on the Power BI team, leading the efforts around Paginated Reports, Power BI Report Server, SQL Server Reporting Services, not to mention everything around exporting and subscriptions in Power BI. He’s been working in the software industry in various roles, from the product team to pre-sales, technical training, database administration and sales operations. He also holds a B.A. from Temple University in Philadelphia. 


As the principal program manager at Microsoft for Paginated Reports in Power BI, Chris works in unique ways to extol the need and the use case for Power BI Paginated reports. From this need, Paginated Bear was created! 

“Well, he’s the breakout social media star of 2019, a furry YouTube sensation whose incisive interviews of members of the Power BI development team have become renowned for their deep technical content and insights into the Power BI roadmap. If you’re not watching his videos on YouTube, you’re missing out.” Chris Webb

Bears are not companions of men, but children of god...
Charles Muir

Prior to joining Microsoft he was awarded Microsoft MVP award for his contributions to the community. His unique presentation style and background in “shadow IT” has made him a highly sought-after speaker for customer presentations from the server room to the board room on a wide variety of BI-related topics.


His trusty sidekick, Paginated Report Bear, was purchased off EBay for about $7 back in 2017, Dataflow Dog and has a “brother” named Tie Bear (no picture available). 

 My naming prowess could definitely use some work.    
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