Oz du Soleil

Oz du Soleil has been a Microsoft Excel MVP since 2015 and is a popular instructor on the LinkedIn Learning platform. However, to get the full dose of Oz, that’s at his YouTube channel, Excel on Fire, where his Excel training is enhanced by his background in improv and storytelling—and wild video editing.  



Oz may seem ornery, but that only stems from the sheer amount of dirty data in this world and his passion for CLEANING IT and making data accessible to all. Through Excel on FIRE, Oz teaches one and all how to leverage data where ever they are.

Thank you OZ for all that you have done and continue to do!

I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday

Abraham Lincoln

Oz’s claim to fame in the data world is his passion for data cleansing because, “if you don’t have clean data, you don’t have slick dashboards, accurate payroll … nothing!”

Power Query Challenge: Split by Multiple Delimiters | Merge All Columns

Iranian Dr. Excel posted a challenge on LinkedIn:

How can you split columns when there are multiple, different delimiters? Ex:




This was interesting for several reasons:

1.  It's very easy to do if you want a 1-and-done solution with just 3 delimiters. However,

2.  If you want something truly dynamic, it involves solving 2 major problems with Power Query: splitting variable columns and merging all columns in a query.

3.  I show an ugly but effective solution that I call The Elephant Through the Front Door Move.

Office Insider Spotlight: Oz du Soleil

Oz du Soleil still remembers the first time he discovered the real value of Excel in resolving a pesky data problem.

“I was working in a call center, and customers kept calling up with the same kinds of complaints. I was in charge of a program where people would get awards when they completed their continuing education, and I had to look up people who completed it and send out this gold pin and a certificate. And the admins would call up and say, ‘You people sent me this one again, and you didn’t send me these other two? You people! You people!’” he recalled with a laugh.

Read More here


Oz was on a team that stayed awake for 72 hours navigating the Navy ship USS Joseph Hewes (FF-1078) through the Suez Canal.


That Suez Canal.

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